Dust refuses to settle following the unholy war that was broken out at Kingdom Light Ministry Int'l in Machinjiri, Blantyre after the church's leader, George Ochukwu , allegedly swindled the congregation millions of Kwacha.
Some members of the church who have formed an emergency task group named KL Task Team, reported to police about the conduct of Ochukwu, a Nigerian who is rumoured to be fled to SA.
In the a letter, penned by the KL Task Team chairperson, Akonda Banda, the group alleges that Ochukwu and his board failed to account for the church's millions for over 3 years.
They also requested police to freeze Ochukwu's bank accounts and properties to bar him from doing any transaction while at large.
The church believes that the Nigerian clergy man has fled with almost K360 million Kwacha. The controversy has forced Ochukwu to deactivate his social platforms.