Wikise revolutionized local music in a way that no other artist had done before. He has a significant influence on our culture, and it's not because of his songs against hypocrite clergy. It's not also because of his comic music videos that always go viral. It's because he gives back to the community.
Earlier this week, the Chinkhamphulikire hit maker announced that he intends to donate food and second hand clothes to flood victims in Salima. His announcement aroused praise from his fans and corporate world.
The singer who is well known for giving back to the community and mental health activism, moved across Lilongwe on Tuesday and Wednesday to raise funds, clothes and food from well wishers, and interacting with his fans in the process.
I'm glad that I touch souls with my art, and I heal them with my charities, this is my life. I feel good and happy doing this." Said Wikise to reporter.
On Thursday, the philanthropist went to Salima with his team and donated cash,food, clothes and other necessities.
Wikise rose to fame in 2016 after releasing Shabalakatuli, since then he has been shaking airwaves, doing international shows, charity works and fighting for youths mental health.