Fast-establishing comedian Felistus Nya-uyu Ngwira has joined millions who are mourning the death of versatile fallen Nigerian preacher and televangelist TB Joshua who died last month but was laid to rest on Friday.
Nya-Uyu, of the #Vilekeke
fame commented on the #TBJoshuaMinistries official Facebook page: “The best is
yet to come ..You were an amazing person. I wish I had met you but it is
well... I learnt a lot from you and your personality kept challenging me. I
don't know what life is like after dea
th but I hope you are able to see how
even in death your works are still preaching and saving souls.”
Just within minutes after
she commented a horde of replies kept flooding her comment with many saying
that she spoke their mind.
Feeling touched, one Nkhata
Maunde wrote: “Felistus Nya-uyu Ngwira when you come to Zambia, let me know so
that I present to you a cake.”