Malawi Heat: The video for Umbeta is ON Point!!! What was the inspiration for that song?
Hazel Mak: Thank you ever so much for the compliment! Well the song is about women that are
in unhealthy relationships..where she gives everything to this man, faithfully commits to him and he can't do the one thing she's been waiting for him to commit to her too! So she's telling him ' ndatopa ndi umbeta' I mean let's face it technically if you are an unmarried woman ndiwe mbeta!So the song is about breaking out and empowering yourself as a woman there is nothing wrong with a woman being single, beautiful and independent! Women must stand up for themselves have standards and stick to them no matter what!
Malawi Heat: Your upcoming project is is ‘Nyumba on Fire’, what are you hoping to achieve

Malawi Heat: Who will be producintg on this project? Any collabos?
Hazel Mak: I've been blessed by having the best producers and artists I know! So far Dominant 1 has produced most of the tracks , Majbeats has also written and produced for the project and finally Chuka Royalty a UK producer in fact he's the one that produced my up and coming single 'Liyaya'. Thirdeye and Hip hop Pantsula aka Jabba have also featured on the project but I would really love Rina and Wendy Harawa to be part of Nyumba on fire I think they are amazing female artist with a lot to say!
Malawi Heat: Are you a model as well?
Hazel Mak: Well not really I'm like 5 ft 1 too short however my sister Michelle is a model she just did Ghana fashion week and she's walked for Lilly Alfonso too...look her up!
Malawi Heat: You are based in the UK but You recently came to Malawi, how has the response been to your music?

Malawi Heat: What would you like to achieve with your music?
Hazel Mak: I'd like to represent Malawi as an all rounder female artist and promote Malawian creatives! I'd also like to empower women in terms of never being afraid of who you really are and exploring your weaknesses and finding strength in all aspects of your life!
Malawi Heat: What is the one thing people don’t know about you?
Hazel Mak: hmmmm probably the fact that I eat like a beast!! I am always hungry I'm sure I'd look like a short whale/hippo if I didn't work out and if I didn't have a good metabolism!
Quick Fire:
Q: Happiest Moment ?
A: when I dyed my hair platinum and watching my family's reaction ha it was too funny!
Q: The one thing that’s ALWAYS in your hand bag?
A:Hmm this is HARD probably my make up bag
Q: Who is the last person you told ‘I LOVE YOU’?
A: My Mama
Q: Your Favourite Quote?
A: Mutui umodzi susenza denga!
Thank you guys for reading this interview and thank you Malawi Heat for the opportunity!
If you want to hear more of my music please visit my Soundcloud: hazelmakmusic Twitter: @hazelmakmusic Facebook: hazelmakmusic